

テーマ: Managing the mantainment of gait stability during dual walking task: effects of age and neurological disorders.

雑誌:Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2016
PMID: 27575014

Key words:
Dual Task 二重課題
Balance バランス
Cerebral Palsy 脳性麻痺
Elderly 高齢者
Stroke 脳卒中

今日はイタリアのMarco TRAMONTANOさんの研究を紹介します。


BACKGROUND: Dual task paradigm is common mechanism of daily life, it is often used for investigating the effect on cognitive processing of motor behavior.
背景: 日常生活の中で二重課題の理論的枠組は一般的なメカニズムであり、運動行動の認知プロセスの影響が調査されている。

AIM: In the present study we investigate the dual task interference during walking on upright gait stability.
目的: 本研究では、二重課題が歩行や直立歩行の安定性を阻害するかどうかを調査した。

DESIGN: cross-sectional study.

デザイン: 横断研究

SETTING: Inpatient neurorehabilitation unit and children neurorehabilitation unit
方法: 神経リハユニットと、小児リハユニットに入院中の方を対象とした。

POPULATION: Eighty-five subjects were enrolled, divided into five groups: healthy young, healthy elderly, children with typical development, children with cerebral palsy and adults with stroke in subacute phase.

参加者: 85名の被験者が参加し、5つの群に分けられた(若年健常者、高齢健常者、正常発達児、脳性麻痺児、脳卒中亜急性期者)。

METHODS: All subjects had to walk through a pathway during which they had to hear a sound, turn the head to watch a number and verbalize it.
方法: 全ての被験者が音情報を基に歩行を開始し、頭部を改善させて数字を見て答えなければならない。

Subjects wore an accelerometer on their lumbar spine to measure upright gait stability have been assessed by means of the Root Mean Square (RMS) of the trunk acceleration.

RESULTS: All subjects showed a reduced speed when performing a dual task with respect to single task.
結果: 全ての被験者が単一課題に比べて二重課題時に速度低下が見られた。

This reduction was significantly different among groups (F(4,81)=12.253, p<0.001, ES=0.377).

The RMS resulted increased along LL-axis, and reduced along AP- and CC-axes during the dual task walking.

CONCLUSION: These accelerations were significantly related to the changes in speed that were managed in a different way in subjects affected by cerebral palsy and stroke.

CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT: The information obtained in this study may be used to support specific rehabilitation techniques in subjects with poor balance ability.
臨床的意義: 本研究での結果は、バランス能力が低下している症例に対して、特異的に治療を進める手助けとなる可能性がある。



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